What is an ENUM
Enum is the short for enumeration. it can be use-full to make your code more readable.
For example :
We have a Class Named Person.cs and this class has a property "Status".
without use of Enums
Person.status = 3;
It doesnt tell us what the status stands for.
with use of Enums
using System;
public enum MyEnumeration
Single = 1,
Married= 2,
Widow = 3
Person.status = MyEnumeration.Widow;
Another Advantage of using enums is the following situation.
We Forgot to add the Devorced Status.
We change our Enum :
public enum MyEnumeration
Single = 1,
Married= 2,
Devorced = 3,
Widow = 4
if we coded without enum, the status of the person is changed from Widow to Devorced.
With use of enum, the status is still Widow after adding the devorced state
string Mystring = "Single";
int intval = 3;
//string to enum
//without extention methodMyEnumeration myitem = (MyEnumeration)Enum .Parse(typeof( MyEnumeration), Mystring);
//with extention method
MyEnumeration item = Mystring.ParseToEnum<MyEnumeration >();
//int to enum
//without extention method
MyEnumeration item = (MyEnumeration )intval;
//with extention method
MyEnumeration item2 = intval.ParseToEnum<MyEnumeration >();
//enum to string
//without extention method
string name1 = Enum .GetName(typeof( MyEnumeration), MyEnumeration.Married);
//with extention method
string name = MyEnumeration .Married.GetName();
//enum to int
//without extention method
int val = (int )MyEnumeration.Married;
//with extention method
int val1 = MyEnumeration .Married.GetValue();
Loop Trough enum
foreach ( string value in Enum.GetNames( typeof(MyEnumeration)))
Extention methods to work with enums
public static int GetValue( this Enum EnumValue)
return (int )(Enum.ToObject(EnumValue.GetType(),EnumValue));
public static string GetName( this Enum EnumValue)
return (Enum .GetName(EnumValue.GetType(),EnumValue));
public static T ParseToEnum( this string value)
Type TypeOfDestObj = typeof (T);
if (!TypeOfDestObj.IsEnum) throw new ArgumentException("is no enum" );
return (T)Enum .Parse(TypeOfDestObj, value);
public static T ParseToEnum( this int value)
Type TypeOfDestObj = typeof (T);
if (!TypeOfDestObj.IsEnum) throw new ArgumentException("is no enum" );
return (T)Convert .ChangeType(value, TypeOfDestObj);
Extention methods to loop trough enums
public static Dictionary< int , string > ToDictionaryWithValueAsKey( this object obj)
Dictionary <int , string> rets = new Dictionary < int, string >();
Type MyType = obj.GetType();
if (!MyType.IsEnum) throw new ArgumentException ("is not an enum" );
var vals = Enum .GetValues(MyType);
var names = Enum .GetNames(MyType);
for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
int val = (int )vals.GetValue(i);
string name = names.GetValue(i) as string;
rets.Add(val, name);
return rets;
public static Dictionary< string , int > ToDictionaryWithNameAsKey( this object obj)
Dictionary <string , int> rets = new Dictionary < string, int >();
Type MyType = obj.GetType();
if (!MyType.IsEnum) throw new ArgumentException ("is not an enum" );
var vals = Enum .GetValues(MyType);
var names = Enum .GetNames(MyType);
for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
int val = (int )vals.GetValue(i);
string name = names.GetValue(i) as string;
return rets;
What to do if you need String Values instead of int values
You can also use other types than int.
But what to do with strings?
1. Create a Custom attribute
public class StringValueAttribute : System.Attribute
private string _value;
public StringValueAttribute(string value)
_value = value;
public string Value
get { return _value; }
2. Add the custom attribute to the enum
public enum MyEnumeration
[ StringValueAttribute("Y" )]
Young = 1,
[ StringValueAttribute("M" )]
Middelaged = 2,
[ StringValueAttribute("O" )]
Old = 3
2. Create an ExtentionMethod to get te stringvalue
public static string GetStringValue( this Enum value)
return (from members in value.GetType().GetMember(value.ToString())
let atts= (StringValueAttribute)members.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (StringValueAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault()
select attributes == null ? value.ToString() : attributes.Value).FirstOrDefault();
3. Use it
int intval = 3;
MyEnumeration item3 = intval.ParseToEnum<MyEnumeration >();
string stringval = item3.GetStringValue();