25 nov 2014

if you want to install a dropbox - googledirve  alike service in your company, take a look at http://owncloud.org/

24 nov 2014

make an image backup of a pc

  1. download resque CD (395mb)
  2. burn it on a cd/dvd
  3. boot the pc where you want to recover the data
  4. mount -t cifs // /mnt/windows -o username=MyWindowsAccount
  5. type in your password
  6. ddresque -d -r3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows/sda1.img sda1.log
  7. open the share on your windows pc
  8. and open the image wit 7-zip. You can access now all files of the pc.

other tips :

when having a wireless network, but configuring your wireless everytime you boot can be show-stopper. I bought a wireless extender WLX-2001. you get the benefits of both wireless and wired network. a hight troughput from trouble-pc to server-pc, but you can do it everywhere.

another program to open this image file is VDK from vmware.

Update 23/12/2014 : Opening the Image on a linux machine:

I'm a Windows Guy (until Now!). but i had some trouble to mount the image on a linux pc.

First, create a new mountingpoint in the /mnt/ folder.
sudo mkdir /mnt/olddisk

The next step i did (but i don't think its necessary)
sudo fsck -y /media/User1/TOSHIBA\ EXT/public/file1a.img

and then i mounted my image in a regular way :
sudo mount /media/User1/TOSHIBA\ EXT/public/file1a.img /mnt/olddisk

14 nov 2014

libre office draw loading gallery objects

download galerry files here ;

go to C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\gallery
and save the content of the zips.

restart your libre office.

Now you have upgraded your gallery with a lots of symbols.

another good source
is the openclipart gallery where you can download a lot of SVG files

8 jan 2014

ldapfilter with timestamps in powershell

$DateString = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-30).ToString("u") -Replace "-|:|\s"
$DateString = $DateString -Replace "Z", ".0Z"
write-host "(&(sAMAccountType=805306368)(whenCreated>=$DateString))"

9 sep 2013

create shortcut with powershell

 function Set-Shortcut ($linkpath , $targetPath )
    Write-Host $linkpath
    $strlinkpath = [String ]$linkpath
    if($targetPath -eq -$NULL)
     throw ("targetpath not available" )
        if(Test-Path $targetPath)
            throw " $targetPath does not exist"
    if($strlinkpath -eq $NULL)
            throw “linkpath not correct”
    elseif($strlinkpath .EndsWith(".lnk" ))
     $link            = ( New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell). CreateShortcut($strlinkpath)
     $link.TargetPath = $targetPath
     ## Added after grawity's post
        throw ("filename not available in path" )


11 mrt 2013

script to generate files in folder structure

$DefaultPath = ""

$dirs =  get-childitem  -Recurse -Path $DefaultPath | where {$_.mode -match "d"}

foreach($dir in $dirs)
 $dirname =  $dir.FullName

    for ($i=1; $i -le 100; $i++)
     $filename = "$dirname\file$i.txt"  
     write-host $filename
     New-Item $filename -type file -force -value "This is text added to the file"